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iphoneアプリ Soilなう


■Soil なうとは? (What’s Soil now?)

身の回りの土壌を知ろう!私たちは土壌に囲まれて生きています。しかし、多くの人々はその土壌に見向きもしていないでしょう。Soil なうはあなたの土壌に対する意識を変えてくれます。Soil なうを使うことで、いつでもどこでもあなたの足もとにある土壌について知ることが出来ます。(現在の対応地域日本のみ)
Learn about soil around you 🙂 Soil is everywhare! …but not so many people pay attention to it. This is the iPhone application that changes your awareness to soil. Soil now shows you what type of soil you are standing on anytime, anywhere. (Available only in Japan at the present stage)

■ダウンロードしてみよう! (Download it first!)

アップルストアでダウンロード (Download it at Apple Store)

■使い方 (How to use?)


ワンクリックで足下の土壌を表示 (Show the soil on your current location)


使い方は簡単!起動後、トップ画面の中央の”クリック”ボタンを押すだけ。あなたの位置の土壌の種類 (土壌統群名) とその土壌断面画像が表示されます。

It’s really simple! Just hit “クリック” button on the top screen.Then you will see the name and image of the soil that lies beneath your feet



■土壌を集めよう! (Let’s collect soil!)


Soil which you’ve found once is saved on the gallery page. To see the page, hit “ギャラリー” button on the top screen. You cannot see the unknown soil that you haven’t met. Collect all 60 types of soil in Japan and complete your soil collection!




Tap a soil image in the gallery page, then you will see the detailed information of the soil. You can see description of the soil and check how rare the soil is. Do your best to find the very rare soil! In addition, you can see the list of soil that you have met before. Enjoy telling the best soil you met to your friends on the list 🙂

■更なる機能… (Furthermore…)


When you show soil, you can tweet the soil and can also see the detailed information of the soil on a website. To do them, just after showing the soil on your current location, tap the upper right button of the screen, and choose one of the operations on the shown sheet. “ツイート” indicates “Tweet”, and “詳細情報” indicates “See on a webpage”.

土壌を Twitter に投稿する場合、文章を編集して右上の “Tweet” ボタンを押すだけ。始めての場合は、直後に Twitter アカウントの入力が要求されます。あなたの Twitter ID とパスワードを入力しましょう。後々、再度 Twitter アカウントの設定を行う場合は、画面左下の”アカウント設定”ボタンから。

When you want to tweet the soil, after selecting tweet action, edit the content of your tweet and hit “Tweet” button shown on the upper right of the screen. If it is the first time, input your twitter ID and password. If you want to change the account information after that, hit “アカウント設定” button on the lower left of the screen.

詳細情報を見る場合、専門サイト (土壌閲覧情報システム) にジャンプします。土壌の特徴や化学性などの詳しい情報を学ぶことが出来ます。

When you choose to see detailed information on a webpage, the app shows the related page of this webpage. You can see characteristics and chemical features of the soil.





■その他・注意事項 (Others / Notes)

You can see soil even if the app is offline.

This app uses the database provided by NIAES.

This app searches the data which is the nearest from user location from the database. If it does not have the data around the place, the accuracy can be lost.

The database contains only the soil information of croplands. Therefore, in the area which is far from croplands, the accuracy can be lost.